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HomeLuxury TravelTop 10 best wildlife holidays in the world

Top 10 best wildlife holidays in the world

Monday newsletters always feature top 10 travel lists to inspire.

Today: Top 10 best wildlife holidays in the world

Not much comes close to that trilling feeling when you spot an animal in the wild, especially when you’re not expecting it. It can be an inspiring, breathtaking and potentially life-changing experience. Holidays focused on wildlife are becoming increasingly popular. Observing wildlife is a great way to get back to nature and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With so many wildlife holidays on offer in so many fabulous locations, it’s hard to decide where to go or what animals to see. So I’ve put together my own top 10 favorite wildlife experiences in various locations around the world, some in very remote wilderness areas, but with luxurious accommodations never too far away.

There is more information below the slide show. Think I missed one? Share your favorite wildlife holiday in the comments section.

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For an extreme wildlife experience, jump into the shark-infested waters off the southern coast of South Africa — in a cage of course – and prepare yourself for a potentially heart-stopping encounter with the ultimate super-predator: the great white shark! Gansbaai, a small fishing village east of Cape Town, has become the hub for tour operators that specialize in diving with great white sharks, all from the safety of a cage of course. The cages are shark-proof, so there is nothing to fear, and the trilling experience will inspire you for a lifetime. You’ll definitely emerge with a greater respect for these often misunderstood, ocean predators.

  • Best time to visitwinter (May to October) is the best time to cage-dive with great white sharks. Although shark sighting is not guaranteed, the success rate is very high (around 95%). The weather can be unpredictable though in South Africa’s winter, with gales and cold spells, so it’s best to book a tour that lasts a few days just in case the weather doesn’t allow for a dive. The sharks are still around during the summer months but not in such dense numbers, so days can possibly go by without a sighting.
  • Recommended tour operatorsGreat White Shark ToursWhite Shark Diving Company, & Apex Shark Expeditions
  • My selection of luxury hotels: read here my article about the top 10 best luxury hotels in Cape Town.


Ranthambore National Park is one of India’s last remnants of wilderness. A former hunting ground for the maharajas, the park still contains ruins of temples and mosques, as well as an impressive 10th-century fort. There is plenty of exotic wildlife to observe, such as antelope, sambar deer, langur monkeys, and crocodiles, but the main reason people visit Ranthambore is to spot the magnificent and elusive Royal Bengal tiger. To increase your chances for an encounter with the tiger(s), make sure that you visit in the right season and spend several days of your holiday on tiger tracking in this gorgeous spot.

  • Best time to visitmost animals (including tigers) are seen at the end of the dry season, during the months of March, April and May, when  vegetation is sparse and animals come out in search of water. Be sure to bring warm clothes if visiting during the cooler winter.
  • My selection of luxury lodgesAman-i-KhasOberoi Vanyavilas


The islands of the Maldives, representing the epitome of a tropical paradise, are the visible coral tips of an oceanic volcanic mountain range whose outer edge at some points plunge to depths of over 3 km (1,8 mi). Deep channels separate 26 atolls that run from the Haa Alifu Atoll in the north over 800 km (500 mi) to Addu Atoll in the South, and the ocean currents in between offer world-class diving, as well as the single best spot on the globe to dive or snorkel with giant whale sharks, harmless reef sharks and tremendously impressive manta rays. The best place in the Maldives to swim with manta rays and whale sharks (as well as other wildlife) is the Baa Atoll, a UNESCO protected biopshere which is also home to one of my favorite resorts in the world, Soneva Fushi.

  • Best time to visit: divers can enjoy the opportunity of diving with manta rays and whale sharks in Maldives throughout the year, but the areas frequented by these marine animals vary with the seasons. During the dry Northeast Monsoon season (January to April), manta ray and whale shark diving in Maldives is best on the western side of the atolls, whereas during the Southeast Monsoon season,  manta rays and whale sharks will typically be encountered near the eastern edge of the atolls.
  • My selection of luxury lodges: read here my article on the top 10 best resorts in the Maldives.


The frozen wonderland, called Antarctica, is the last true wilderness not spoiled by humans. Officially uninhabited and owned by no one, it is a place of extremes as it holds the title of coldest, driest and windiest location on earth. But despite these harsh conditions, Antarctica has become a popular holiday destination, not in the least because the continent is home to an extraordinary variety of amazing wildlife. It is the Antarctic Peninsula that attracts most visitors, because of its accessibility and more moderate climate. The majestic king penguin colonies as well as seal colonies, whales and albatrosses guarantee you the holiday of a lifetime.

  • Best time to visit: cruises to Antarctica operate during the austral summer, early November to late March. There is no ‘best’ time to go within this period, although the different months do have unique characteristics. November is the courting season for penguins and sea birds whilst spring wildflowers are in bloom on the Falkland Islands and the spring ice is breaking up, creating sculptured shapes. In December and January, the first seal pups and penguin chicks are born on South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, whales are starting to appear more frequently, and the days are at their longest. By February and March whale sighting is at its best and the penguin chicks are beginning to fledge, building up their strength for the long winter ahead.
  • My selection of luxury cruise shipsSilver ExplorerLe Boreal, & National Geographic Orion


Yellowstone is one of the most beautiful National Parks of the USA. The park’s expansive Lamar valley, crossed by just one road, is a must-visit area for serious wildlife watchers as it is home to America’s “big five” game animals: bison, elk, cougar, grizzly and wolf. Bison and elk are readily visible, while cougars are almost never spotted (unless they remain with a carcass for days). Visitors who are willing to rise early in the morning or wait up until dusk also may spot grizzly bears and wolves roaming the valleys and hunting for prey (bring binoculars!). In fact, Lamar Valley is the #1 destination in the world for viewing wolves.

  • Best time to visitthe best times to visit Yellowstone are spring (from March to May) and autumn (from September to November). These seasons both feature mild weather and fewer crowds, and wildlife is at its most liveliest (especially during spring). However, if wolves are your single reason to visit Yellowstone, then some will tell you that the best time for a holiday is the winter season, when the wolves and other wildlife are more visible (the black ones stand out against the snow) and the prey is in plain sight. While winter is not for the faint-hearted with bitter cold, there’s nothing quite like seeing plumes of steam rise from beneath a thick blanket of snow or a pack of wolves from the comfort of your snow scooter.
  • My selection of luxury hotelsAmangani & Four Seasons Jackson Hole


The National Park of Corcovado, located on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica’s southwest corner, is one of the most intense biological places on earths, and the beauty of its old-growth wet forests, cloud forests, mangrove swamps, and wild beaches is beyond words. The heart of this national park, around the Serena Ranger Station, is teeming with tropical wildlife, such as Red Macaws, tapirs, quetzals, red-eyed tree frogs, boa constrictor boas and various species of monkeys to name just a few. Call yourself extremely lucky when you spot a mountain lion or jaguar on the beach hunting for turtles, but be careful for herds of voracious peccaries in the dark jungle.

  • Best time to visitCorcovado National Park is one of the wettest places on earth, so make sure to visit this corner of Costa Rica during the dry season to avoid most of the  rains (January to April).
  • My selection of luxury lodgesLapa Rios & Botanica Osa Peninsula


One of the most dramatic stages for a classic African safari is the Great Migration, which can be witnessed in Tanzania and Kenya. The Great Migration is a 1,200-mile odyssey of 1.5 million wildebeest and 200,000 zebras, all of them chasing the rains in a race for life, while being purchased by an incredible amount of predators. Your chances of watching a kill by a pride of lions are pretty high when you visit the area in the right season. The only other African wildlife holiday that comes close to the Great Migration is observing Africa’s second greatest concentration of wildlife in Botswana’s Okavango Delta.

  • Best time to visit: the herds of wildebeests follow the rain, so plan your travels accordingly. The best time to witness the migration in Tanzania is probably February and March when the wildebeest and zebra congregate in the Serengeti at the start of the rainy season, and have their young too. Not only can you enjoy seeing baby animals, but the predators are at the highest number too.  In June and July, the great migration hops over to Kenya’s Masai Mara and this is the time that you can witness spectacular Grumeti River crossings with crocodiles killing their prey (although it is hard to predict the exact time of this event).
  • My selection of luxury lodges: read here my article on the top 10 best lodges & hotels in Tanzania.


Imagine the incredible sight of a pod of killer whales, also known as orcas, or the sound of a humpback whale’s blow as it gently swims past your kayak. No crazy sounds of other tourist on a boat trip, but just you, the whales, and the overwhelming silence of nature. There are no better places in the world to kayak with killer whales than Johnstone Strait off the northeastern corner of Vancouver Island, and to kayak with humpback whales near Adolphus Point near Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska. Don’t be surprised to witness some whales breach just a few yards away.

  • Best time to visit: the best time to kayak with whales is between May and the first half of September. The days are long, whales are active in the area, and temperatures are moderate (be prepared for rain – lots of rain – and storms at any time of the day).
  • Recommended tour operatorsSea Kayak Alaska (Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska) & North Island Kayak (Vancouver Island, Canada)
  • My selection of luxury lodges in & around Vancouver Island (for Alaska, cf below): Clayoquot Wilderness ResortLong Beach Lodge Resort, Wickaninnish Inn, & Sonora Resort.



Walking with grizzly bears may sound like an insane idea, but it is not, at least not in Katmai National Park, a remote and pristine wilderness area in Alaska. In Katmai, giant coastal brown bears do not consider humans as a prey nor as a treat due to the abundance of food nearby and a 100+ years long wildlife protection program. A scenic flight in a small aircraft, followed by an exhilarating beach landing, will take you to Katmai’s meadows, where you will observe the bears in their natural habitat, and even walk amongst them with an unarmed guide.

  • Best time to visit: although you may encounter a bear at any time in Alaska (except when they hibernate), your chances of seeing bears are best when they gather to feed on seasonally concentrated food sources like salmon and sedges. Katmai is the single best place to view bears in the wild (don’t even look for alternatives). June and August are the best months to watch bear activity (playing, digging clamps, grazing, mating) and walk among them on the wild beaches of Katmai. In July and September, brown bears congregate to feed on sockeye salmon near the Brooks River Falls in the center of National Park, allowing spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities from 3 viewing platforms (that you will have to share, unfortunately, with many others). Be bear-prepared!
  • Recommended tour operatorsKatmailand (bear viewing at Brooks Falls) & Alaska Bear Adventures (bear viewing along the coast)
  • My selection of wilderness lodges (as close to luxury as you can get in Alaska): Kenai Fjords Glacier LodgeCamp DenaliNorth Face LodgeKulik Lodge, and Ultima Thule Lodge. In Katmai itself – the best place for a bear encounter – are no luxurious accommodations.


IMHO, spotting a wild gorilla in the African jungle is the epitome of a wildlife holidays as it doesn’t get better than this. Mountain gorillas are the most majestic, and sadly, rarest apes of all non-human primates. Only 700 of these magnificent creatures remain in the world, all of them found in the border area between Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A guided gorilla tracking (which takes a half to a full day, and allows you to spend one hour with the apes once you found them) is an awesome experience and worth all the travel efforts. Watch below a clip of my recent gorilla tracking; the clip includes some stunning moments, such as bluff charges by a silverback and a baby gorilla touching me!

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